Outcomes of submission hearing

So, what were the outcomes of the deliberations?

  • Average rates increase for Year 1 slightly decreased from what was proposed to 15.48%
  • Strengthening of the TET Multi-Sport Stadium to enable the building to be used as a civil defence centre will begin in Year 3, 2026/27.
  • Strengthening of the War Memorial Centre to the minimum level required to no longer be considered earthquake prone and an earthquake risk will begin in Year 5, 2028/29
  • Any strengthening work on the Glockenspiel remains in the plan for year 10, 2033/34, which means there are 2 more Long Term Plan processes to go through before a final decision is made on that building.
  • Demolition of the old TSB Pool Complex facility will go ahead in Year 1, 2024/25.
  • Council’s road maintenance budget will match what’s required to retain the existing level of service, which means a 14% increase in the operational spend for year 1.
  • Replacement of the old raw water delivery line to the Stratford water treatment plant will begin in Year 1, 2024/25 and take 2 years to be completed.
  • The proposed Forestry Differential Roading Targeted Rate will go ahead as planned, increasing the amount collected to $350,000 and including blocks of forestry that are 10 hectares or more in size. For properties that are not primarily forestry but have a block of forestry at least 10 hectares in size, the rate is applied only to the portion of the property that is used for forestry, not to the whole property.
  • The Brecon Road Bridge project was brought forward from Year 4 to Year 2 on the condition that Waka Kotahi approve co-funding. Council will know the outcome of co-funding by the end of Year 1, 2024/25 to determine if the project can begin at the earlier time. If co-funding is not achieved this will be pushed back. There is no impact on rates in Year 1 or 2 of the plan with this amendment.
  • Some amendments to capital projects were made with budget carry over from the current financial year to 2024/25 and the current budget for print advertising was retained to continue the existing Central Link delivery.
  • A change in funding for three waters projects was made by reallocating external Better Off Funding to these projects. These were originally set at being loan funded.
  • The Town Centre Upgrade is now set at loan funding and reduced to $300,000 in Year 1 from $500,000.
  • Changes to the Fees and Charges schedule were made, including:
    • Removal of facsimile charges
    • Amending the Wai o Rua Swim School fee to include entry at $145 per term
    • Amending the full pool complex hire fee to include use of the multipurpose room
    • Decrease in cost for the commercial strip hire fee at the Aerodrome
    • Amendment to Licence to Occupy charge under Roading, moving from a land value based charge to a fixed fee.
    • Minor wording changes for consistency across other documents

View the Hearing agenda including submissions received online here.

Minutes of the meeting will be available online later this month.

The Long Term Plan 2024-34 was adopted on 9 July 2024. Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation.

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