Victoria Park Reserve Management Plan (RMP)

Consultation Phase 2 - Submissions on the draft RMP (OPEN)

We’ve finished reviewing the feedback received on the future of Victoria Park, and have developed a new draft Victoria Park RMP.

The Victoria Park RMP is an important document that helps guide us in making both day-to-day as well as long term decisions on how the reserve is used, managed or developed. Think of it like our park vision for the next 10 years

It's now time for the community to have a final say on the draft RMP before Elected Members formally adopt it.

What's being proposed?

Council is proposing changes to the management levels of service for Victoria Park, through proposed future projects/actions which are outlined in section 4 of the draft RMP and provided as summary tables in the latest updates section on this page.

How to make a submission

You can share your views through any of the below methods:

  • Complete the online submission form
  • Email
  • Provide a written submission to Council at 63 Miranda Street, Stratford or by posting to Asset Director, Stratford District Council, PO Box 320, Stratford

Submissions close 17 March 2025

Consultation Phase 1 - Feedback on the future of Victoria Park (CLOSED)

This phase was a time to seek feedback on the park and understand the aspirations and views of our community on how we use, manage and/or develop the space in the years to come.

This information gathering exercise helped Council develop the updated RMP, outlining short- and long-term priorities for the park.

Any projects identified as part of the reviewed RMP will be subject to further consultation with the community (phase 2 of the review), and then will require Council adoption to be included in annual/long term planning processes where funding sources would need to be confirmed if going ahead.


We continuously review our Reserve Management Plans (RMPs) so they are meeting the needs of our community now and into the future.

It’s time to take a deeper look at the current Victoria Park Reserve Management Plan and make any necessary changes to take us into the next 10 years.

To help us set the objectives of this reviewed plan, we ask the community their views.

Victoria Park is one of Stratford's premier recreation reserves, and a lot has changed since our current plan was adopted in 2018. The most notable changes include the construction of a new skate bowl, and the opening of the Stratford Bike Park, including pump track, basketball court, BBQ pavillion, and public toilets.

Stay tuned to this page for updates, or make sure you've registered as a Your Say Stratford member so you can receive email updates from us. Register here.

Consultation Phase 2 - Submissions on the draft RMP (OPEN)

We’ve finished reviewing the feedback received on the future of Victoria Park, and have developed a new draft Victoria Park RMP.

The Victoria Park RMP is an important document that helps guide us in making both day-to-day as well as long term decisions on how the reserve is used, managed or developed. Think of it like our park vision for the next 10 years

It's now time for the community to have a final say on the draft RMP before Elected Members formally adopt it.

What's being proposed?

Council is proposing changes to the management levels of service for Victoria Park, through proposed future projects/actions which are outlined in section 4 of the draft RMP and provided as summary tables in the latest updates section on this page.

How to make a submission

You can share your views through any of the below methods:

  • Complete the online submission form
  • Email
  • Provide a written submission to Council at 63 Miranda Street, Stratford or by posting to Asset Director, Stratford District Council, PO Box 320, Stratford

Submissions close 17 March 2025

Consultation Phase 1 - Feedback on the future of Victoria Park (CLOSED)

This phase was a time to seek feedback on the park and understand the aspirations and views of our community on how we use, manage and/or develop the space in the years to come.

This information gathering exercise helped Council develop the updated RMP, outlining short- and long-term priorities for the park.

Any projects identified as part of the reviewed RMP will be subject to further consultation with the community (phase 2 of the review), and then will require Council adoption to be included in annual/long term planning processes where funding sources would need to be confirmed if going ahead.


We continuously review our Reserve Management Plans (RMPs) so they are meeting the needs of our community now and into the future.

It’s time to take a deeper look at the current Victoria Park Reserve Management Plan and make any necessary changes to take us into the next 10 years.

To help us set the objectives of this reviewed plan, we ask the community their views.

Victoria Park is one of Stratford's premier recreation reserves, and a lot has changed since our current plan was adopted in 2018. The most notable changes include the construction of a new skate bowl, and the opening of the Stratford Bike Park, including pump track, basketball court, BBQ pavillion, and public toilets.

Stay tuned to this page for updates, or make sure you've registered as a Your Say Stratford member so you can receive email updates from us. Register here.

  • Proposed changes to the RMP

    Proposed level of service

    Proposed Levels of Service
    Category Description of space Maintenance Increased
    Play Spaces

    Bike Park

    Pump Track

    ½ Basketball Court

    BBQ Pavilion

    Croquet Green


    Skate Park


    Facilities Exeloo Toilets (South)

    Exeloo Toilets (North)

    Cricket Clubrooms


    Memorial Gates

    Croquet Clubrooms

    Green space Empty green space

    Proposed action plan

    Proposed Project/Action
    Priority Status
    Addition of new pathway from path to Exeloo Toilets (North)
    Install new picnic tables (including accessible tables/seating) throughout Park
    Replace metal chip path with concrete (next to Skate Park)
    Continued planting of native trees
    Installation of sunshade sails over some picnic tables
    New seating installed at Pump Track
    Water fountains to be installed at the Skate Park and Sportsground
    Continue to replace playground parts and new pieces
    Provide more artwork around the Park
    Spectator seating next to Skate Park bowl
    Upgrade walkway throughout the park and around lake
    Installation of new lighting in and around Bike Park and Pump Track
    Field upgrade of Field 2 sportsground
    Status Quo
    Extension or addition of court for younger children
    To support sports clubs request for expansion or development of building facilities
    Create accessible pathway to accessible swing
    Provide bintainers / recycling stations within playground
    Resurfacing / enhancement of Skate Park
    Create a mural on the internal wall of the Grandstand
    Construct jetty to be used by remote control boats

    Status Quo = Ongoing, part of current 2024-34 Long Term Plan
    P1 = Priority for 2027-37 Long Term Plan
    P2 = Priority for 2030-40 Long Term Plan

  • Summary of feedback received

    Key principle

    • New playground equipment (for tamariki of all ages), or upgrades of current equipment

    • Addition of sun cover over playgrounds with sunshades or trees.

    • Add to, or extend ½ basketball court, so another hoop can be added, to be used for younger children, or another concrete space for handball and other games.

    • Addition of another 2 x croquet courts into green space

    • Add a mini putt (covered) into green space

    • Addition of water play area

    • Potential to use lake for RC boats or other lake friendly activities.

    Natural resources

    • Planting of new native plants for the park to remain as natural as possible, as that is the beauty, attraction of it

    • Flower beds in certain areas will also brighten up the space

    • Planting of fruit trees.

    • Make pathway around lake more tidy and accessible, and keep maintaining.

    • Further enhance biodiversity areas next to walkways, with the potential of extending the walkway.

    Social and cultural values

    • Consideration of how the new Collaborating for Active Spaces and Places Taranaki strategy can align to the Plan with the importance of co-designing community spaces.

    • Ensuring sportsgrounds are maintained to a standard that meets the needs of the community.

    • Assist and support the sports clubs when they are applying for funding to upgrade their facilities.

    • Signage highlighting smokefree/vape free spaces.

    • Provide an environmental sustainable section within the Management Plan

    • Ensure that Management Plan shows access for those with a disability and explore safe passages between each park space.

    • Signage explaining what piece of playground equipment is, area of park is called in Te Reo (and the English translation).

    • More artwork around the park, that consists of cultural murals or paintings.

    • More music or events in the park (open green space).

    • Mini version of Christmas lights in the park.

    • Utilising the green space for gypsy fairs and other community events to bring everyone together.

    Furniture and facilities

    • More picnic tables (inc. accessible tables) and seating in park.

    • More sheltered areas and add side shelters onto current pavilions

    • Toilet next to bike park needs an accessible path

    • Lighting in the park

    • Install more water fountains

    • Mural on the internal wall of the grandstand

    • Provide bintainers / recycling stations within playground area

    • Create wheelchair accessible pathway to accessible swing

    • More signage highlighting the playground area is a dog free space

    • Paint parking lines in carpark

Page last updated: 20 Feb 2025, 11:25 AM